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More on where to find us

Updates, Announcements, and Posts:


Ravelry: This was intended to be mainly for publishing any free crochet and amigurumi related patterns in PDF form. Any free patterns will be published as an article on our blog here, so Ravelry was supposed to be a means of providing a downloadable PDF version that hopefully may be more printer-friendly. Due to difficulties with PDF conversions and time constraints, and issues using Ravelry, we still have not been able to successfully publish our work to the site.

Pinterest: We plan on mainly using pinterest for updates and announcements, as well as creating pins that help announce anything new on our blog. (When it can be finally figured out that is!)

DeviantArt: Like Pinterest, our goals on DeviantArt is to make Studio announcements and post Studio updates, sharing new content. In the future we may post the occasional discussion prompt. We are unsure of how this idea would work so for now we are refraining from trying it out at the moment (also due to online presence not being the main work load right now).

Medium: Most Studio articles will be published both here and on Medium. Occaisionally the Studio may also do Medium-exclusive articles, but that is currently not definte. Either way, the Studio's goal is to make sure every article published here and on Medium is free to access (which of right now should be the case). (Small disclaimer: if Medium for some reason changes how they do "free" access or anything, the Studio may not be aware of it at the time. Even as that may be the case, rest assured we have no intention of making Studio articles anything other than free to view).

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Note: These are out of date, as in they are no longer used and in operation as of right now.opattern, etc is fully this Studio's (Hidden Names Studio/Hidden Neam Design Studio/etc) and not the company/compaines we work with. They have simply been given permission to be allowed to have our designs on their products while they give us a platform to provide our work. If we ever decided to withdraw from selling our works on one/all sites, the designs/works are still fully the Studio's no matter any company Term or policy due to individual rights and law. Etc, etc, etc.

Redbubble and Teespring (now Spring): No longer in use or fuctional at the moment.

Spoonflower: No longer used/active, partially due to concerns and (mild) disagreements towards Spoonflower policies (for sellers) and prices.

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Babbling: Hidden Name Design Studio (Hidden Names Studio)  does not at this time sell any physical products, and the products at the Studio shops are produced by the company the Studio works with/through, so any shipping, print error, or other issue is what the company (redbubble, spring, spoonflower, etc) is liable for, and hopefully any issue anyone may have will be fixed and the company will hopefully provide the fix at little or no cost to the customer. We simply allow the companies to sell their products with Studio's/our designs/photography/art/etc on them and therefore retain all rights/copyrights/ownership/etc to our designs/art/photography/etc. Full protections by law are in place for all of those in the Studio whether or not they decide to file and pay fore official licenses/copyright insurance/etc, as it is their right to make those individual decisions, and either way by law they still retain ownership and full copyright as they are the original creators of their art/photography/design/pattern/etc (the one who makes it is the one who instantly owns and has the rights to it. We can go on about clauses and guidelines and whatnot but things are meant to be both over specific and overgeneralized/vague for the protection of each individual at the Studio based on their preferences and therefore nothing within this disclaimer can be used against the Studio or any one individual from the Studio because it cannot pertain to any one person too specifically, we are not liable for typos or stating things in a confusing or misunderstood way, and etc. We do not have strict guidelines regarding most stripes, plaids, and other mundane repeating patterns as many are similar and many are recycled from decades if not centuries ago. That said this cannot be used as an excuse to knowingly copy/steal the work of someone [from our Studio], nor argue claim over . All designs made by the Studio are the Studio's as well as the original creator's within the Studio (we each have protections and can make individual decisions about our work independent of the Studio). This Disclaimer is not meant to be looked at or picked over but simply to state the obvious protections we at the Studio and the Studio itself have in a non-specific or detailed way and is subject to change only by us in agreement. No one at the Studio will state that they are with the Studio under most circumstances and we are not liable for anything that one member may say, nor for anything else. Only one is willing to share information about being with the Studio, and that one has very specific guidelines and clauses. Etc, etc, etc. Hidden Names Design Studio/ Hidden Names Studio/HiddenNamesDS/HiddenNamesStudio/etc 2019-present day copyright; all rights are there and are reserved.©

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